Winter weather is upon us and I want to share some information on weather-related school closings, so you will be prepared. When making weather-related school closings; our first priority is student safety. Typically, three factors impact the decision to close schools. Road conditions, temperature, and visibility are all considered when determining if conditions are safe enough to have school.
Snow events are the most common days for school closings. Factors that are considered when deciding on whether or not to cancel school:
Snow accumulation and drifting
Wind speeds
Road conditions
I will consult with township road commissioners and area superintendents. Every effort will be made to make a decision and families and staff as quickly as possible.
Temperature-Related Cancellations. Factors considered when making temperature-related cancelation decisions include:
Duration and timing of cold temps
Safe operation of buses
E-Learning Days - Please use the following link to view our “e-learning” plan:
Making a decision about having a snow day is a difficult one. We will use our best judgement and appreciate your support as we work to ensure student safety and student learning.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the Marengo Area School Education Foundation (MASEF) for their generous donation this fall. We used the funds to purchase a “Gaga Ball Pit.” The pit is located on our blacktop playground.
I wish you all a happy holiday season and am excited for a great 2024 at the Riley School District.